Spike Jonze Photo Kim Gordon 8.25" Skateboard Deck
By Girl
Width - 8.25″
Length - 31.875″
Wheelbase - 14″
Shape - G089 (find out more about the shapes here)
If you need any further introduction to the legendary filmmaker and photographer Spike Jonze then I suggest you watch this documentary RIGHT THIS MOMENT:
Spike Jonze's Legendary Career | Epicly Later'd
And, please for the love of god tell me you know who Kim Gordon is?!
Astonishing artist and musician, bass player and singer of the late Sonic Youth, fellow feminist and all over impressive human.
Sonic Youth - 100%
More info and pictures about this project to be found here.
Based on Malto’s old fave G052, the G089 has the same specs, but straighter rail, no taper in the tail.
7 Plies of North American Maple
Mellow Concave
Your choice of Jessup or Mob Grip, included with all skateboard decks, you're welcome!